MERI Forum 2018: Visions for Stabilising the Middle East

نوفمبر 28th, 2018 by میری

Setting the Scene for MERI Forum 2018: Visions for Stabilising the Middle East Dlawer Ala’Aldeen, President of MERI 23 October, 2018 MERI Forum 2018 is held at a very sensitive time when the entire Middle East remains in turmoil. Local, regional and international powers are heavily engaged in rivalries, while the Kurdistan Region and the rest […]

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دیداری مێری 2018: ئاڵوگۆڕی روانگەكان بۆ سەقامگیری دلاوەر عەلائەددین ٢٣ ئۆكتۆبەر – تشرینی یەكەمی ٢٠١٨ بەڕێزان ئه‌و ديداره‌ له‌ كاتوساتێكی‌ هه‌ستيار‌‌دا سازكراوه، كه‌ ته‌واوی ناوچه‌ی ڕۆژهه‌ڵاتی ناوه‌ڕاست دووچاری ئاڵۆزی و شه‌ڕی هه‌مه‌لايه‌نه‌ بووه‌. هێزە جیهانی و ئیقیلمی و لۆكاڵیەكان لە گەرمەی ململانێیەكانیاندانە، و هه‌رێمی كوردستان و باقی عيراقيش لە نێو جه‌رگه‌ی ئه‌و شه‌ڕ و ئاڵۆزيانه‌دا […]

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  • التعليقات على دیداری مێری 2018: ئاڵوگۆڕی روانگەكان بۆ سەقامگیری مغلقة

دلاور علاءالدین، رئیس مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للبحوث (میري) ٢٣ تشرین الأول، ٢٠١٨ السیدات والسادة، يعقد هذا المنتدى في وقت حساس للغاية. الشرق الأوسط بكاملها في حالة ملتهبة مع وجود حروب ونزاعات متعددة الاطراف. إن القوى المحلية والإقليمية والعالمية منشغلة بصراعاتها التناحریة، كما أن إقليم كوردستان وبقية العراق متأثرون ویعانون من هذه الصراعات. وواضح ان هذە […]

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  • التعليقات على ملتقی الشرق الأوسط ٢٠١٨: تبادل الرٶی من أجل الإستقرار في الشرق الأوسط مغلقة

Panel – 7: Global and Regional Power dynamics: Conflict and Collaboration (2) Fatih Yildiz, Turkish Ambassador to Iraq Ramon Blecua, European Union’s Ambassador to Iraq Alberto Fernandez, President of the Middle East Broadcasting Networks Lukman Faily, Former Iraqi Ambassador to Japan and USA Tanya Gili, Former Member of Iraqi Parliament (Chair) This panel complemented the […]

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  • التعليقات على MERI Forum 2018, P7: Global and Regional Power dynamics (2) مغلقة

Panel – 6: Global and Regional Power dynamics: Conflict and Collaboration (1) Ebtesam al-Ketbi, President of the Emirates Policy Centre Taha Özhan, Research Director at Ankara Institute Ranj Alaaldin, Brookings Institute Mohammed Bin Saqar Alsulami, International Institute for Iranian Studies Steven Blockmans, Centre for European Policy Studies (Chair) The current turmoil in the Middle East […]

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  • التعليقات على MERI Forum 2018, P6: The Global and Regional Power dynamics (1) مغلقة

Panel – 5: Legitimate Stability and the role of the international community in Iraq Stuart Adam, The British Acting Consul General in Erbil Eric Strating, Deputy Ambassador, The Netherlands Bruno Pasquino, Italian Ambassador to Iraq Hansi Escobar, Spanish Ambassador to Iraq Farhad Alaaldin, Advisor to the President of Iraq (Chair) Farhad Alaaldin helped focus the panel’s […]

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  • التعليقات على MERI Forum 2018, P5: The role of the international community مغلقة

MERI Forum 2018, P4: The EU in the Middle East

نوفمبر 25th, 2018 by میری

Panel – 4: EU in the Middle East: Responsive State-Building to Prevent Violent Extremism Ramon Blecua, European Union’s Ambassador to Iraq Steven Blockmans, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels Tine Gade, Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of the International Affairs Kamaran Mohammed, Research Fellow, MERI Morten Boas, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (Chair) In his […]

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  • التعليقات على MERI Forum 2018, P4: The EU in the Middle East مغلقة

MERI Forum 2018, P3: Kurdistan in the New Middle East

نوفمبر 25th, 2018 by میری

Panel – 3: Kurdistan in the New Middle East Mala Baxtiyar, Politburo’s Executive Chair, Patriotic Union on Kurdistan Nazmi Gur, Former Deputy Leader, People’s Democratic Party, Former Member of Parliament, Turkey Khalid Azizi, Leadership Committee Member, Kurdistan Democratic Party (Iran) Dlawar Ala’Aldeen, President of MERI (Chair) In his introduction, Dlawer Ala’Aldeen defined the framework for […]

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  • التعليقات على MERI Forum 2018, P3: Kurdistan in the New Middle East مغلقة

Panel – 2: State Building and Nation Building in Iraq Yahya Al-Kubaisi, Advisor, Iraqi Centre for Strategic Studies, Amman Adnan Al-Zurfi, Member of Iraqi Parliament Jafar Eminki, Politburo Member, Kurdistan Democratic Party Lukman Fayli, Former Iraqi Ambassador to Japan and the USA Talib M. Karim, Deputy Chair, Al-Rafidian Centre, Al-Najaf (Chair) Dr Talib Karim introduced the […]

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  • التعليقات على MERI Forum 2018: P2: State Building and Nation Building in Iraq مغلقة

Panel – 1: Reforming the Governing System: Decentralisation and Institutionalisation in Iraq Qubad Talabani, Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Bashir Khalil Hadad, Deputy Speaker of Iraqi Parliament Ali Dway Lazim Al-Fartusi, Governor of Misan Nawzad Hadi, Governor of Erbil Turhan Mufti, Minister for Iraqi Governorate Affairs (Chairman) In his introductory talk, Qubad […]

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  • التعليقات على MERI Forum 2018, P1: Decentralisation and Institutionalisation مغلقة