The President of the KRI, Nechirvan Barzani, expressed his views on the current dynamic in the KRI, between Erbil & Baghdad, and the role of the Region on the world stage.

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The Iraq Forum was held 6m after the inauguration of PM Al-Sudani’s government, which faces high expectations and pressures to address Iraq’s multi-layered challenges. In this policy debate, Al-Sudani sheds light on the overall strategies followed by his Administration.

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Since 2003, outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil have gone through various phases & taken different forms, with critical milestones characterising and shaping an uneasy relationship.

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The US led ‘coalition of the willing’ invaded Iraq in 2003, ending the most oppressive regime. The two countries started a tumultuous mutual engagement, which is likely to become more amicable, predictable and mutually rewarding in the future.

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A panel of experts debated the role of both the government and private sector in the reform of the Iraqi financial sector. Report & Video

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Experts looking into the future of global and regional power dynamics and how they might impact Iraq.

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Report on the perspectives and priorities of Iraq’s international partners in the country. With the US, EU and Italian Ambassadors.

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The roles of regional and international actors, particularly Russia and Iran, in Iraq’s neighborhoods and their engagement with both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

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This dialogue with PM Masrour Barzani focused on the KRG’s strategy on a number of complex issues, including engagement with Baghdad, institutional reform and governance.

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Experts & policy makers addressed the fragility of the Iraqi state by identifying structural gaps and proposing practical policy solutions.

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