This paper analyses the contemporary displacement context of Iraq, identifies protection gaps and offers policy recommendations to national & international stakeholders.

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IDPs from Nineveh experience complex and interlocking barriers to return by district, by sect, and by gender. This Executive Summary distills these barriers to inform and enhance stakeholder policies.

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Stabilization efforts in Nineveh Province face critical challenges. This Executive Summary analyzes current initiatives and offers recommendations for improvement.

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Forced displacement from Syria is the most protracted in the Middle East. This report highlights the urgent need to address policy flaws and offers policy recommendations to local, national and international stakeholders.

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The Caliphate’s defeat: the future of Iraq

December 23rd, 2018 by MERI

In spite of the Caliphate’s defeat, Iraq remains a fragile country with its sovereignty grossly undermined, and its state institutions weakened. Unless the Iraqi leaders focus on good governance and rule of law, ISIS is capable of re-emerging

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This policy book addresses the structural & functional weaknesses in th KRI’s governance system, and makes practical recommendations for its reform.

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“dissent between Brussels and Ankara is highly likely given the Turkish Armed Forces’ broad kinetic engagement in both Iraq and Syria”

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We found that multiple energy drivers strategically incentivize the EU and Turkey to cooperate and converge on overall political and economic policies and priorities.

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” given the unpopularity of Iraq’s political class, no single alliance is expected to win a majority of parliamentary seats, forcing the formation of a grand-coalition government”

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The findings stress the destabilizing and traumatic effects of displacement and the urgency of addressing them

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