MERI’s report outlines clear recommendations for all relevant actors with the aim of bringing the issue of their province to the fore and fostering a constructive debate on Kirkuk’s future.

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Lessons learned from the seminar held by MERI on ‘Prevention of violence against women’.

The accord calls upon military actors to prohibit the military use and abuse of the higher education and to treat universities as neutral and safe spaces at times of conflict and protect the higher education communities from violence and abuse.

It is feasible to bring the living standards of both refugees and host community to a resilient situation, for instance by bridging the income gap. But only through a combination of livelihoods support and advocacy for key policy changes in how Kurdistan sees the refugees.

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Giving minorities in the Kurdistan region more influence, they should get their own special councils of representatives to function within the Kurdish parliament and governing institutions.

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The Iran Nuclear Deal: A View from Erbil

August 3rd, 2015 by Sardar Aziz

Iran and six world powers reached a historic deal on the 14th of July in Vienna. This deal could have far reaching consequences and significantly alter geopolitics in the Middle East.

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True Democracy Relies on Rule of Law

July 8th, 2015 by MERI

I hope that US policy will become more favorable to Kurdistan, says Lincoln Davis, former US Congressman in his visit to MERI

For a sound process of post-conflict reconstruction, what needs to be in place is security but also unity, especially from the different communities in the country. Japanese reconstruction was aided by the unity of the people and the same is possible in Iraq.

MERI organised a round table on June 11 to discuss the preliminary results of the project on resilience-building for Syrian refugees.

The current crisis presented an opportunity for the Kurdistan Region to meet political, security, and economic challenges.