Whilst the war against ISIS continues to dictate priorities for policy-makers in the Middle East, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq maintains its commitment to democratization and nation-building. In spite of the political will for reforms, the heavy burden of war and its consequences have, nonetheless, crippled necessary reform processes. Hosting 1.5 million IDPs and insufficient […]

More funding and critical attention is required from United Nations and world powers to mitigate the humanitarian disaster.

In Erbil, Bernard-Henri Lévy raised his concerns about the international coalitions’ lack of clear vision and strategy in the fight against ISIS.

The Kurds are our allies and we want the Kurdistan Region to be a successful example of democracy. In this regard, we will continue to build democracy in the Kurdistan Region as this is the best means for gaining international support.

MERI’s Democracy & Governance team completed a six-month review process with officials, experts and the civil society to close existing loopholes and propose new amendments

Iraq’s federal budget: some insights

February 4th, 2015 by Roger Guiu

The final budget of around $100 billion went through several revisions in order to make compatible a higher expense, required to combat ISIS as well as provide humanitarian assistance, with a lower revenue due to decreasing oil prices.

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MERI has now finalised the draft amendment of Domestic Violence by accommodating the necessary amendments made by consensus during several months of deliberations

“The EU should not leave Iraq to regional players, as Iraq is geographically too close to Europe to be ignored.”

There is great fear that a new wave of IDP and refugee influx will affect Kurdistan in the next few months as the war on ISIS moves gradually closer to urban areas, such as Mosul.

As Battles Rage in Kirkuk, Political Solutions are Needed

February 1st, 2015 by Samuel Morris

There has been a steady growth in the fear of Islamic State ‘sleeper cells’ in the city, which has only been exacerbated by the flood of IDPs into the city. This, in turn, has led to the Sunni population fearing persecution at the hands of Kurds.
