The discussion focused on how to make trade unions more effective and their contribution to the democratic aspirations of the Kurdistan Region.

Instead of direct peace-building initiatives that may actually add more fuel to the fire due to the volatile situation, the humanitarian community seems to be rightly prioritising social cohesion between stayees and returnees through an indirect approach.

Turkey is a regional power and an important neighbour and after decades of tensions, relations between Turkey and the KRG are improving for the mutual benefit of both sides.

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The Minister of Interior, Karim Sinjari, recognizes the pressing need for police reforms and the modernization of the system of governance in the Kurdistan Region.

Strengthening the institutions of justice is key for improved system of governance. MERI team met with members of the Judicial Council to initiate an ambitious reform program leading to improved leadership & performance management of judges.

Lawmakers, Ministry officials and civil society representatives debated a new comprehensive draft law, which broadens the definition of domestic violence.

The programme involved training police officers on international quality standards and performance assessment to ensure the delivery of quality services to the public.

Coalition Forces Clash with Islamic State Fighters

January 20th, 2015 by Samuel Morris

This event raises the questions, what is the role of Coalition ground forces? Will this signal a new chapter in the way that Islamic State is combatted? Will there be a change in policy to international troop deployment?

Short Interviews with the Kurdistan Region’s leading politicians regarding their vision for the way forward amidst the current political crises.

MERI has been training special police units at the Directorate General of Combating Violence Against Women, on international quality standards and performance management systems.
