Over the last six months, MERI has been revising the Law of Combating Domestic Violence in Kurdistan. The amended law is now ready to be passed to Parliament.

French political scientist, Professor Gilles Kepel in a visit to MERI, as part of broader French delegation with the Institute Français du Proche-Orient.

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In an official visit to MERI, Mr. Sinan Chalabi, Minister of Justice, expressed his willingness for a collaborative project on ‘Good Governance and the Justice System’.

MERI has disseminated the draft law to over two hundred local parliamentarians, legal experts and NGOs for consultation by way of written submission.

The deal puts a novel fiscal architecture in place by providing for an asymmetrical revenue-sharing system in Iraq. It can become the main dividing line between KRG, Baghdad and Iraq’s governorates in the future.

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Focus Group on Kirkuk Project

December 7th, 2014 by MERI

MERI continued its work on the issue of Kirkuk by bringing together leading decision makers to discuss the current situation and identify possible ways forward

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“We have to help those who oppose ISIS”

November 24th, 2014 by MERI

Cem Özdemir, Co-Chairman of the German Green Party and a high level delegation from Germany visited MERI to discuss the latest security situation and the condition of the 1.5 million IDPs and refugees in the Kurdistan region.

MERI Forum 2014 Impact & Feedback

November 22nd, 2014 by Dlawer Ala’Aldeen

MERI Forum debates were followed by breakthroughs in negotiations over the KRG budget and aviation traffic to Sulaimani Airport. PM Abadi sent Minister Abdul-Mahdi to visit Erbil to expedite agreement

Elections in Tunisia: Stability in an Unstable Middle East

November 10th, 2014 by Farhan Siddiqi

The Arab Spring brought a wave of change to the Middle East. Where others have failed, Tunisia has placed itself on the path towards democracy.

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Turkey must review its policies in Middle East. Dialogue and reconciliation is the best first step to reverse the current trend of ever spiraling violence

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