An analysis of the major gaps in Kurdistan’s economic development and potential ways forward in terms of reinforcing initiatives aimed at private sector development; improving the functioning of the State and its budget; and transforming Kurdistan’s institutional landscape linked to the economy.

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A social contract which enables the KRG to escape accountability in return for providing a salary and services is fundamentally at odds with Kurdistan’s democratic aspirations.

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This report is a compilation and analysis of critical issues and possible next steps for dealing with the challenges posed by increasingly protracted displacement in the Kurdistan Region.

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Recent developments damaged beyond repair the confidence investors had in lending money to the KRG. As a result, the only other way out of the current economic crisis, at least in the short term, is to bring in fresh capital to cover for the money Kurdistan is unable to generate internally.

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Like the Gulf countries, Iraq has a high dependence on oil export revenues, food imports and considerable population growth.

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Farewell to growth in Iraq, until when?

January 19th, 2015 by MERI

The political turmoil in 2014 have put an end to 10 years of robust economic growth in Iraq and the country is bound to recession. Baghdad must undertake structural reforms in order to navigate the new economic scenario ahead.

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Kurdistan is in need of solving its economic equation if it wants to develop as a state.

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