The unicameral legislature’s dominance has contributed to the country’s fragility, but a constitutionally mandated solution to this problem already exists

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Baghdad needs to maintain western troop presence as well as keep Tehran on side. There is a way forward

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Since 2003, outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil have gone through various phases & taken different forms, with critical milestones characterising and shaping an uneasy relationship.

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The US led ‘coalition of the willing’ invaded Iraq in 2003, ending the most oppressive regime. The two countries started a tumultuous mutual engagement, which is likely to become more amicable, predictable and mutually rewarding in the future.

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In his quest for ultimate power, Al-Sadir lost yet another battle. But, not to be underestimated, he has not lost the war. Policy recommendations for stakeholders

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The Sadrists have gone ‘all-in’, challenging the system & exposing its weaknesses. Unlikely to win outright but they have pushed Iraq to a new phase in its transition.

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KDP and PUK in Sadir’s Chess Game

January 29th, 2022 by MERI

Al-Sadir is playing to win, whatever the cost. The Sunnis won the first round. The Kurds have lost sight of the bigger picture & focused on internal rivalry. It is not too late to find a win-win outcome.

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Strengthening societal resilience is considered vital for the prevention of violent extremism. MERI is a member of 15 international research centres (lead by NUPI) to address this issues.

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Four years after the military defeat of ISIS, pre-existing conditions associated with the risk of violent extremism continue unabated in Iraq.

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The Status of Erbil-Baghdad Relations

September 6th, 2020 by MERI

In Iraq, politics is personal, and the politics of Baghdad-Erbil relations is no exception. Improvements and deteriorations in this relationship have largely been dictated by interpersonal dynamics, such as the rapport and mutual confidence between leaders.

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