The US should help create an Iraqi state at peace with all of its components. The KDP and PUK need to de-escalate and allow the KRI to speak with one voice in Baghdad & with international partners.

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it is time for Iraqi leaders to expedite forming a new government, otherwise Covid-19 pandemic & the drop in oil prices might drive it to the brink.

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The Peshmerga forces are undergoing an ambitious process of institutionalisation aimed at transforming them into an apolitical and professional entity. This brief examines the contours of this process and offers policy recommendations.

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Chemicals are widely used in Iraq & the KRI for various civilian purposes. Terrorist organizations have the capacity to convert chemicals to weapons. The KRG needs robust policies to prevent chemo-terrorism.

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Iran-US tension and the Ghost of War

May 19th, 2019 by MERI

Who wants war, where is this US-Iran escalation leading and what policy would be best for the local actors to pursue?

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Breaking the Cycle of Shame in Iraq

May 15th, 2019 by MERI

With Iraq’s displacement crisis, violence against women and girls has reached new levels of cruelty. However, with transition into stabilisation, there is an historic opportunity to tackle barriers to women empowerment.

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Many of the IS associated women & children are denied identity cards. These practices violate national and international laws and are likely to contribute to on-going violent extremism.

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Iraq’s various security forces were united in defeating IS. With their common enemy defeated, unity seems to have vanished rapidly. Implications & Recommendations are presented in this policy brief.

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Reconstructing Iraq: Where Do We Stand?

March 10th, 2019 by MERI

Iraq reconstruction costs $88B. Donors pledged $30B, but little has so far materialised, because the Iraqi government has failed to address its structural and functional weaknesses. The onus is on the Iraqi leaders.

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Turkey and EU have adopted multifaceted foreign policies in the Middle East. They converge only on specific issues but their mutual cooperation has not been easy.

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