Country to Watch in 2019: Iraq

December 30th, 2018 by MERI

After 4 years of political & security turbulence, Iraq has now turned a new page with plenty of cautious optimism for 2019. Evolution of events & predictions for the new year.

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By failing to reach an agreement to form an electoral alliance, the Kurdistan Region’s opposition parties missed a golden opportunity to shake up the duopoly of the KDP and PUK’s power.

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In the run-up to this month’s parliamentary elections (12 May), the Kurdish parties are running individually, but in the Iraqi-controlled disputed territories they act differently.

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Anti-Corruption Efforts in Iraq

January 16th, 2018 by MERI

Given the institutionalized nature of corruption in Iraq, fighting it will prove substantially difficult, and would require a national program that upsets major aspects of Iraqi politics.

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The recent Iraq-Saudi Arabia rapprochement policy should be understood in the context of convergent political, security, and economic interests, with implications for regional security and stability.

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The Kurdistan referendum has opened the way for Baghdad and Erbil to prioritise serious negotiations.

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Is Kurdistan Independence Inevitable?

September 15th, 2017 by MERI

It could be more constructive for all stakeholders to assist Baghdad and Erbil to reach a mutually acceptable agreement

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Universities are rising from ruins of war

August 20th, 2017 by MERI

Kurdistan shows that post-conflict countries can build a thriving higher education sector by working with foreign partners

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Through constructive engagement and promotion of rule of law, the US should help the Kurdistan Region of Iraq become a strategic partner. The Kurds can be instrumental in helping the US mend fences across the region.

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The narrow victory of Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the referendum on 16 April does not guarantee a politically strong and trouble-free presidency.

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